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Friday, January 24, 2014

Time Keeps On Slipping

This started out as an unfinished piece.
"Hold on a second, Mom.  I think I can do something with this."

A little bit of paint; her creativity and some time on her hands and she was off.

"Mom, I don't know what to put above the clock.  Will you do something then send it to me?"

So I did.


I don't have to speculate, I'm sure we'll be doing more creative things in the future.

Light of My Life

No doubt my kids light up my life so when she asked if we could upcycle the swing arm lamp I was out in the garage in a nano second.  Right behind her.

We found this unsightly, brass swing arm lamp which was a little crooked and had no character.  It was downright ugly. had potential!

 We knew if we were going to paint it, the paint would have to be durable and stand up to the heat generated by the light bulb.  So off to Home Depot we ventured where we found some high gloss automotive paint, designed especially to be durable and withstand heat.  *SNAP*  Genius, I say.

After cleaning up the lamp and taking it apart piece by piece she got right to spray painting.  Once painted we set it aside for a week to cure...and oh yes, a trip to San Francisco for some fun.

Here's the end result: 

I'm only speculating but I bet she'll have more bright ideas soon enough and we'll be back in the garage with another spark of genius.

Animal Magnetism

She was poking around pinterest and saw animal magnets and since she was home for five weeks she knew we would need some projects to keep us busy.  A quick one turned out to be these magnets.

First stop Michael's for some plastic toy animals:

Next, cut those critters in half.

Spray paint and decorate as desired. Once paint has dried affix magnet with superglue and allow to dry.

I'm only speculating but I think these critters will be sticking around for a long time.