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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Felt So Good!

I looked around the living room earlier and here's what I saw:

It felt so, so uninspired. 

 There are a couple good elements:  a neutral (though not beige) sofa with a triptych on the wall by Joy Saville. a large architectural cabinet turned coffee table (yes you can rest your feet on it) and vaulted ceilings.   I love color and I like texture and I am smart enough to know that to feel at home and comfortable there have to be elements which scream:  "Take me.  I'm yours!".  I need throw pillows and quick as I noticed the seasons were a-changin' here near the Pacific Ocean I went on the hunt for inspiration and ideas.

Yes I can do these.  Primitive.  Basic.  A few layers and some hand stitching and I'll have something unique.
What's more I can do these in vibrant colors and various textures.  First step is finding the right felt pieces and designing some different scenes.  And here's some inspiration by Alexandra Ferguson.

It felt good to get that off my chest.

It's only speculation, but I think I'll have some splashes of blue, red and golden before the new year rolls in.

04/15/13 Update.

So here are a couple pillows I've made:

And then there are these:


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