Still I wanted to try a few of my own. It just so happened I have a stash of unused frames in my garage calling out to me: "Use me. Use me up!"

A quick cleaning with a soft, wet towel and TSP and these frames were ready to be painted.
For the chalkboard insert--I've been thinking about using a painters canvas instead of MDF or plywood. Joann's carry them in several sizes. This project required a 16 x 20. Watch for sales when they are discounted 40-50%. For odd-sized frames like the white one pictured in this post I used 1/4" MDF cut to size. I've also been interested in giving the chalkboard spray paint a whirl instead of the brush on type. Turns out I like the brush on type far better--more on that in a minute.
I spread out my drop cloths and used two pieces of scrap wood to prop the canvas above the cloth. This picture looks a bit blotchy but that's because the spray paint is partially dry.

After the chalkboard paint dried I slid it right into the frame. A 16 x 20 frame and a 16 x 20 canvas match perfectly. Ta-da!
Here's a rectangualar frame and chalkboard propped
on an easel.
Add a few magnets to the back of the
frame and affix it to your refrigerator.

This one is square with hardware affixed to the back so that it can be hung on a wall or door.

Or an "At the Pool" sign near your front door.

Nifty, eh?

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