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Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday Crown

"What do you want for your birthday?" he asked.

"I think the three of us should choose a color and paint the east bedroom.  Get it done in one day"  I smiled sweetly and coyly.

"I was thinking of a trip or jewelry or something like that" he said with a half smile and probably a roll of the eyes.

That's when the conversation stopped.  My youngest, in the back seat of the car was eerily quiet.  She was not about to contribute to such nonsense as discussing a home improvement project for a birthday gift!  I could feel her stare boring hot holes in the back of my noggin.  She is a celebrator.  An entertainer.  Aware of every detail of every bar b cue, birthday party, and slumber party we've ever hosted.  Painting a bedroom to celebrate a birthday is practically profane.

Before the crown moulding
You see, when you are like me and you get a bee in your bonnet wanting something painted or reupholstered or refinished or re-purposed you've got a one track mind.  You're a heat-seeking missile.  A birthday becomes an occasion to rally in your loved ones and achieve some goals!  Yes we can!

After our dinner and on the drive home I chimed in:  "What I really want is crown moulding in the east bath.  We could knock it out in a day and ta-da happy birthday to me!"

Fancy this:  the next morning moulding was in the garage, the saw was humming and tape measures were snapping to and fro. The sound of success!

There was talk of millwork and coping and joints and caulk.  There was the scent of sawdust and paint.  There was the grunt and squawk of the neighborhood woodworkers coming over for a nod and a note of approval all man-like and happy.  I even thought I heard Tim Allen asking for more power and the "aaarrghh-aaarrrgghhh-aarrgghh" tool time call of the manly woodworking beast!

And here she is!  The crowned bathroom.  Topped off quite nicely, don't you think?

I'm only speculating but I think I might take advantage of the next holiday and ask for a new wing on the house.  Columbus Day is in a week.  Mooooorrreee power!  Grunt, grunt, grunt.

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