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Thursday, February 21, 2013


If I made vanilla extract, it's only natural I'd progress to homemade Kahlua. You'd think so.  However it took the prompting of my dear friend Peggy. One day she telephoned saying her vanilla extract came out well and since she was on her way to becoming the Michigan Martha Stewart tried her hand at homemade Kahlua.  Great.  Why hadn't I thought of it?  <palm slap to forehead>

Peggy passed on her recipe and I went right to work.  The first batch...well..let's just say it didn't taste the way I liked it to taste.  And listen folks, I'm a Kahlua fiend.  After switching coffee brands and Vodka brands we scored!  Such a good score that upon gifting it to another friend, well known for his keen palate, he exclaimed:  "It's delicious!"

12 cups very strong brewed coffee (I use Starbucks espresso)
2 lbs. dark brown sugar 
8 tablespoons vanilla extract
4 vanilla beans
1 bottle 190 proof very good quality Vodka.  Do not skimp here.  A good Vodka yields great Kahlua.

In a large, heavy saucepan bring to simmer 12 cups brewed coffee.  Add brown sugar and return to boil stirring continuously. Let cool until room temperature.

When completely cool, add the vanilla extract, vanilla beans, and Vodka.

At this point your Kahlua is ready to serve.  I like to transfer the Kahlua to flip top specialty bottles, along with the whole vanilla bean, and age for at least four months.  Kahlua in tightly closed bottles will store indefinitely.

I'm only speculating but I think there's a White Russian in my future. Ahhhhh. 

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