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Sunday, September 15, 2013


We did it!  My friends who joined me for a class with Shelly Andrade at Shizzle Design this summer also joined me at the Country Living Magazine Art, Craft, and Antique Fair. Out in a field, wide open, green space wherever we looked.  And we were like farmhands tending our wares!  Buying vintage fabrics; negotiating the price of a rocking chair; meeting and greeting artisans from all over the U.S.  We loved it and we will go again next year.

Here we are post event.  You can see we are very happy about the experience.  There was a good mix of art, antiques, repurposed and upcycled items. 

Held at historic Ohio Village, a re-creation of a mid-1800s county seat, lies just outside downtown Columbus.
In the midst of an apple orchard.
Pumpkins, gourds, squash creatively displayed and lurking around corners..
  Met Cari Cucksey from Cash and Cari and the RePurpose Shop.  The queen of turning old into sold.  

And most importantly fun, creativity, laughter and bonding with girlfriends!

There's no speculating, we're going back next year!

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