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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Felt It!

The weather has cooled to a comfortable 73 degrees and my Michigan-Martha-Stewart friend would be joining me for a week of antique hunting, day trips around the south-land, swap meets, and harvest festivals.

Though we'd be walking our socks off and ending up home each night after dinner; I knew we'd have time to work in a few craft projects. < toothy grin >

My youngest had just decorated the yard and house with a harvest theme and she hung a rag-garland along the hearth.

Then I felt it!  What if I cut strips of wool felt into about half-inch by 6 inch strips and tied them onto a string of battery operated LED lights?

A quick trip to JoAnn's and a purchase of five different colors,1/4 yard-each, of suit-quality, wool felt and I was ready to experiment.

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