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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Flat Out Perfect

 There she is.  A beautiful architectural file cabinet, or flat-file as they're called, and I've made her my living room table.

Added some biscuit feet I got at the local moulding store.  Which as it turns out, I think I'm going to remove and add casters instead.  Like these:

You can see the table top now has rounded corners and a fresh coat (or three) of white paint.  Folks this was my first piece of white furniture.  Ever.  In general I like the warmth and refinement of natural wood.  Even so I painted right over this oak beauty.
You know what's really great about this table?  Those drawers fit pieces of art and large, very large, items I can store flat.  No more boxing up the old family masterpieces or the kids artwork from kindergarten...*snap* I just lay them flat inside these flat file drawers.

Purely speculation on my part but I think I flat-out scored a keeper.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Life of Pie

In my previous post you read that I made a yogurt pie and took it to our neighbor's where we enjoyed a bar-b-cue and a vigorous game of bocce ball.  The truth is I made three yogurt pies.  The recipe I got from my Michigan-Martha-Stewart friend, Peggy.  Since we will be in Michigan for some time this summer and by way of this post I'm mildly hinting in hopes she'll make a couple and have them waiting for our arrival.

Here's her recipe:
Makes one pie (I double the recipe, made my own graham cracker crust and yielded three 9-inch pies)
Prepare 9 inch graham cracker crust (or simply buy a ready made crust)
8 oz. container cool whip
2 individual serving size yogurt (match the flavor of yogurt to the flavor of jello e.g. strawberry, lemon, key lime, etc.)
1 small package of jello
1/4 C. boiling water

  • Combine one package of jello with 1/4 cup boiling water and dissolve mixture.  Cool slightly.
  • Add yogurt and cool whip to jello mixture and combine well.
  • Pour into graham cracker crust and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • You may also freeze this pie and serve at a later date.
We made the lemon version.
To be clear while my family enjoyed the pie I indulged in slices of fresh grapefruit! {ahem}

If I had to speculate I'd say we'll be eating yogurt pie at Peggy's in a few days.  {licking my lips}

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Milking It!

Shopping at Whole Foods the other day I noticed an old fashioned glass bottle of cream.  For a moment I was back in time remembering my Grandma's milkman and the insulated milk box she had on her porch steps.  And I remember the neighbors built in milk delivery box, too.  I didn't really need the cream but I wanted the bottle.  Only one thing to do:  put it in my cart and buy it.

I can't remember what I made with the cream but after the bottle was emptied and washed I took to pinterest and found painted vases. That's it!  I'm going to spray paint the inside of this cream bottle, let it dry and fill it with buds.  As it turned out we had been invited to the neighbors for a rousing game of bocce ball and a bar-b-cue. That's the ticket! So I made a yogurt pie and brought the hosts a few buds.

I'm only speculating but I think this looks like the cream of the crop!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Baggin' It!

It's five o'clock in the morning and I'm itching to get things done. While organizing closets and ridding myself of items I've needed to donate, I came across fabrics I purchased and hadn't gotten around to using...that is...until this morning.

I had some canvas and some silk.  Measured and drew my pattern.  A little cutting; a little stitching; a little pressing and ta-da!

I'm only speculating but I think I've got this in the bag!