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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Life of Pie

In my previous post you read that I made a yogurt pie and took it to our neighbor's where we enjoyed a bar-b-cue and a vigorous game of bocce ball.  The truth is I made three yogurt pies.  The recipe I got from my Michigan-Martha-Stewart friend, Peggy.  Since we will be in Michigan for some time this summer and by way of this post I'm mildly hinting in hopes she'll make a couple and have them waiting for our arrival.

Here's her recipe:
Makes one pie (I double the recipe, made my own graham cracker crust and yielded three 9-inch pies)
Prepare 9 inch graham cracker crust (or simply buy a ready made crust)
8 oz. container cool whip
2 individual serving size yogurt (match the flavor of yogurt to the flavor of jello e.g. strawberry, lemon, key lime, etc.)
1 small package of jello
1/4 C. boiling water

  • Combine one package of jello with 1/4 cup boiling water and dissolve mixture.  Cool slightly.
  • Add yogurt and cool whip to jello mixture and combine well.
  • Pour into graham cracker crust and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
  • You may also freeze this pie and serve at a later date.
We made the lemon version.
To be clear while my family enjoyed the pie I indulged in slices of fresh grapefruit! {ahem}

If I had to speculate I'd say we'll be eating yogurt pie at Peggy's in a few days.  {licking my lips}

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