Our kitchen has been graced by a very old pedestal table. Great grandparents bought it, as best I can determine, sometime around 1920. As you can imagine I am
not getting rid of it. Add to that my children have laughed and snacked into the night with all their high school friends sitting around it. They've learned to make pizzas there; pies, cookies and a plethora of craft projects. They've laughed so hard orange juice spewed out their nostrils; they've dined there many, many nights regaling me with all they've learned in world history, American history, and biology. And sitting at this table, we've settled matters like curfew, dating and for whom we will vote for president. And I've been
enlightened to the lyrics of Bob Dylan, Adele (Seriously? Set fire to the rain? What
does that mean?), and The Beatles (yes enlightened). There is no way I am changing out this table for a fancy new one.

Soooo...I am redoing it. I got all three of the (rarely used) leaves out of the garage and set it up. Using my handy-dandy palm sander and 120 grit sandpaper I roughed her up never looking back. And then, because I start something that looks like fun, someone else decided to "help me out". <
Finally all that old-fashioned varnish is off and ready to be stained again. Mmmm the scent of wood; the speckles of wood dust in the air and the smooth, buttery feel of a freshly sanded surface.
What you'll need to stain and refinish your wood furniture:
1. Furniture stain (I prefer Minwax)
2. Finish. For this project I used clear gloss Polycrylic by Minwax.
3. Rubber or latex gloves
4. Plenty of clean, cotton rags
Tack cloth. Be sure to go to your home improvement store and get this item. It is key as you'll need to thoroughly wipe away all dust in between sandings.
6. Sandpaper
7. Plenty of foam brushes
Here are some good tutorials:
Yankee Magazine there are two pages to this tutorial so be sure to click on to page 2 as well
DIY On The Cheap
Fresh Home Ideas
Here's what my table looks like after 3 coats of finish.
Since this table will see plenty of craft projects, baking, and board games I applied five finish coats. It is beautiful and glossy!
If I had to speculate I'd say the tables have turned. What a re-leaf!
(scroll your mouse over the photo and click to view a larger version.)