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Monday, May 6, 2013


I saw this post on pinterest and wanted to do it with my kids.  After a few trials I came away with these directions.

First things first--time for an outing to Michaels or JoAnn's or some craft store in your area.  I bought all the items at JoAnn's.  Here's what you'll need:

1. They're called floral marbles.  I call them glass discs.
2.  Krazy glue or Gorilla glue.  I prefer the Gorilla glue but you have to be very careful not to use too much of it.  When Gorilla glue sets up it foams and oozes out from under the magnet.
3. Magnets.  The larger the magnet the more sticking power.  Try to purchase magnets a little smaller than the glass discs.

4.  Glass bead adhesive.
5.  And photographs.  I compiled a number of digital photos and printed them as 3 x 5s at my local Target store.  I tried printing them on Kodak photo paper off my home printer but didn't get the fine detail I got through actual Kodak professional processing equipment.

Step one:
Arrange each disc atop the photo you wish to use as a magnet.  Trace around the outside of the disc directly onto the photo then cut that photo just slightly inside the tracing marks so that the photo fits the disc perfectly and nothing overhangs.
Step two:
Spread the glass bead adhesive around the flat surface of the disc leaving the adhesive to dry for about 40 seconds.
Step three:
Affix your photo against the adhesive so that when you look through the glass disc you can see the photo.  Press the disc onto the photo very firmly and if any adhesive oozes out wipe clean with a paper towel.  Leave overnight to set.
Step four:
Dab three to four drops of crazy glue against the magnet and affix to the back of the photo paper.  Leave the magnet upside down so that the magnet doesn't slip off the photo paper.  Your krazy glue will be set firmly enough in about an hour so that your magnets are ready to use.

Purely speculation on my part but I'll bet you're attracted to making these and sticking them on your fridge, too.

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