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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tres Chic

I saw these all over pinterest and after tracking down some trays of my own, I got busy. 

DIY--here's how:  You'll need trays.  Silver, pewter, aluminum, even old-fashioned TV trays will work.  And you'll need painter's tape.  I usually use the blue version but to create clean edges I've dicsovered Green FROG TAPE  is the best.  I love it. 

Step One:  Carefully tape off your tray making sure the edges between the tray and tape are clean; like this:

          Step Two:  Apply a primer  
Step Three:  Begin painting with chalkboard paint.  Spray paint does the trick still I prefer the paint-on version.  I seem to get better coverage when I use a foam brush.  Allow paint to dry about an hour between each coat. For best results I apply four coats.

Voila!  Just look at these!  The added bonus in this case is the magnets work too!

These are tray chic and I'm speculating I'll be serving up more of these chic projects!

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