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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hi-Ho, Silver!

Y'all know I've been spending this past week sanding, staining and refinishing a family heirloom.  It's a big project and requires a lot of waiting in between coats of finish.  And soooooooo...

I've been meaning to freshen up a granite table I picked up about 3 years ago.  You guessed it.  I hauled it out to the backyard and cleaned it up.  Removed the granite from the frame and discovered my biceps came in handy.  That small slab of granite is about an inch thick and I'm guessing it weighs around 70 pounds.  No exaggeration.

Once cleaned I set about painting it.  I've been wanting to paint something metallic for the house and I didn't want to start on something major in case I didn't like it.  This little side table was just the thing.

Here's the after photo. Sterling, isn't it!
If I don't like it in a week or two I'll re-do it.  Stay tuned.

Purely speculation on my part -- I'm thinking this  silver table may prove to be a shining addition to the family room.  (scroll your mouse over the photo and click for a larger view)

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