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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dress Up!

You already know we finally hit our winter weather and have been keeping ourselves busy sewing dresses.  Once we finished the red polka dot, twirly dress, I took her to a fabric store where she browsed.  In less than 5 minutes she had already spied the perfect fabric:  a heather gray and white pinstripe, seersucker.  And again, it's a twirly dress.

Just to see the look on her face and hear her exclaim:  "Mom, this looks better than the dresses in the stores.  And it's lined and everything!" makes me swoon.

Ha!  And to think we're accomplishing all this on a 40 year old sewing machine with only straight stitching and zig-zag.  I tell you, they do not make sewing machines out of iron anymore, do they?

I'm speculating that we'll be taking a trip to the fabric store again this weekend and I'm all twirly inside wondering what we'll do next.  I think I'll dress up for the occasion.

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